The corn chip snack shaped like a horn and made to be played with.
Snack time deserves a little fanfare
What started in 1964 as the first delicious horn-shaped corn chip, has expanded across the globe. From nacho cheese to kimchi, ketchup to caramel, with Bugles the flavors are endless. And so is the fun.
Fun facts about Bugles

Learn more about the history of Bugles

Bugles sound the charge
Bugles were one of three General Mills brands that marked our entry into the snack food market.

The horn heard around the world
Bugles are available all around the world in varieties tailored to specific cultures and cuisines.

Nacho average Bugles
Nacho Cheese Bugles were introduced in 1984 and was the first new Bugles flavor.
50 years for the Bugles brand
Sound the trumpets… or the Bugles. The popular horn-shaped snack from General Mills is 50!
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